  1. Download the Canary Channel here (It is also on the bottom button called Download Canary Channel)
  2. Extract the files of the Canary channel into any folder of your choice (You don't have to make a new folder since the archive includes a folder named Qora Qore Canary which has the game files itself)
  3. Open game.rxproj if you have RPG XP and do a playtest (If you don't have it, after the game loads, press F12) in order to compile data.
  4. If title screen shows the Beta Channel logo, you're at Beta Channel
NOTE: This channel, unlike others, will have new builds flighted whenever a code change happens. So you have to download the required files every time a new release comes which comes every hour or day but it will not have a lot of stability or completeness. In addition, some unfinished parts may also be seen but those builds will not be often with too many unfinished parts.
Download Canary Channel Files